
VisionTools – one of the leading system houses for machine vision

Based on our extensive product range, we offer our customers high-performance systems for practically all areas of industrial manufacturing, by means of state-of-the-art image analysis techniques and robotics.

The powerful image analysis software V60 is the kernel. V60 supports numerous camera models, 3D scanners, and interfaces to higher-level machine controllers. You can parameterize and freely combine our well-tested modules in the form of objects, thus creating sophisticated solutions – and all is done without any programming language. You can handle simple tasks as well as complex, major projects.

With a wide selection of 2D and 3D analysis methods, the V60 image analysis software offers maximum flexibility to design customized solutions.

Applications cover a nearly unlimited range of inspection, identification as well as robot guidance tasks.

Worldwide in operation

A highly motivated team of about 90 employees at the company headquarters and our branches ensures that thousands of installed systems function optimally and that customers from almost all branches of the manufacturing industry are satisfied.

Our customers include all automobile manufacturers producing in Germany and neighbouring countries as well as their overseas plants. We are engaged in many different fields such as foundry, engine construction, body construction, paint shop and assembly. In addition, numerous companies in the electrical appliances, plastic and pharmaceutical industries, as well as industrial outfitters and mechanical engineering companies, rely on our long years of experience and our reliability.

Further information can be found here in our current company folder (PDF, 1088 KB).

VisionTools Bildanalyse Systeme GmbH


  • Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 7
  • 68753 Waghäusel, Deutschland


Other locations

84030 Ergolding

04349 Leipzig


VisionTools Service Corporation

25 Woods Lake Rd,    Greenville, SC 29607, USA

+1 864-569 4067

Image Analysis Systems CC

Doornpoort, 0017 Pretoria, South Africa

+27 76 314 55 34

VisionTools is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a member of the German Engineering Federation (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer e.V. – VDMA).


TISAX Certified information security

Innovativ durch Forschung Logo

Awarded with the seal “Innovative through research”, for our diverse research activities in the field of image processing.

Blue Competence logo

VisionTools is a partner of the Blue Competence sustainability initiative.


Certified EPLAN engineering expert.

Long-standing member of VDMA.