

Topping Out Ceremony for VisionTools

Office building
VisionTools Employees
VisionTools Employees

A new office building and a production hall for VisionTools, one of the leading system houses for industrial image processing, are being built in the “Unterspeyerer Feld” industrial estate in Waghäusel. The official topping-out ceremony was celebrated on Friday, 6 July 2018 together with Walter Heiler, Lord Mayor of Waghäusel, employees and guests. The new building gives the company the opportunity to grow further and to shape its internal oganisation accordingly. Vollack, the expert for methodical building design, planned the building and is responsible for its construction.

By the end of 2018, the two-storey office building with around 2,500 square metres for the more than 100 VisionTools employees and the production hall with a total of 1,800 square metres will be ready for occupancy. “The new building is a working environment build precisely to the client’s workflow, designed to motivate people and contribute to their well-being,” said Claudius Uiker, Partner at Vollack. 

Modern working environments and energy-efficient solutions

In addition to offices, the new company headquarters will also offer rooms for meetings, training courses and breaks. A high room depth of around ten metres was chosen for very variable use of the office areas. Different window elements and glass surfaces as part of the façade and inside the building provide light and transparency in the modern working environment.

Alexander Tropf, Managing Director and owner of VisionTools Bildanalyse Systeme, sees the future company headquarters at the new location as a worthwhile investment in the future: “The new building will make it possible to create additional jobs. Our goal is it to position us also further as attractive and future-safe employer in the region.